Well Body

Tag: micro biome

Gut Health Reduces Risk for Heart Disease

Your Gut Health Impacts Your Risk for Heart Disease

Researchers have linked the health of the gut microbiome to the risk for obesity and diabetes. Now, we have substantial evidence that the microbiome can impact the risk for atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries).

How does the gut microbiome influence disease?  Humans actually have 2 genomes:  human genes and the collective genes (the gut microbiome); trillions of microbes that coexist within each human gut.  In fact there are 100 times more genes in the microbiome than there are human genes in the body.  

These microbiota genes generate proteins, including hormones, neurotransmitters and molecules of inflammation that can enter the circulation and affect human health. This activity of the microbiota creates not only a second genome, it is also like an additional endocrine organ.

A recently JAMA published article gives considerable evidence to how the human gut microbiome may affect the development of atherosclerosis by influencing risk factors for heart disease and by directly effecting the initiation and progress of atherosclerotic plaques.

 Conclusion:  Improving the health of your gut microbiome can modify your risk for three major causes of death:  diabetes, obesity and hearth disease.

For more than a dozen years, Dr. Sandy Muran has helped her clients measurably reduce their risk for disease.  Contact her for more information at drsandy@wellbelly.net.


New research shows that children who have developed a diverse micro biome are resistant to developing asthma, food allergies, eczema and other immune-related conditions.

Children acquire their micro biome at birth, optimally as they travel down the birth-canal and drink breast milk.  No mater the circumstances of birth, however, a healthy micro biome can be developed at any stage of life.  Here are six ways:

  1. Plan meals with lots of fiber and vegetables.  Picky eaters?  Disguise vegetable in a fruit smoothie.
  2. Use antibiotics only when necessary.  Explore herbs and homeopathic alternatives to treat colds and flu. These natural remedies can be powerful and shorten the duration of symptoms.
  3. Get a dog.  This one will make you a hero in your house.  Contact with dogs increases a child’s friendly-bacteria diversity.
  4. 4 Encourage outdoor play.  Again, increased exposure to diverse bacterias.
  5. Wash hands with plain soap and water, not antibacterial.  Antibacterial soap destroys the natural micro biome that lives on the skin and often contain unwanted chemicals.
  6. Don’t fear dirt.  But still wash produce before eating.


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