
Today’s world exposes our body to greater environmental challenges than intended for its original design.  Stress exposure is at an all- time high while our foods are missing the original nutrient value.

Nutritional Supplements help us compensate for these challenges of modern life.  Choosing a source of quality supplements to meet your increasing requirements can be mind-boggling, too.   Dr. Sandy has taken the guess work out of finding the most reliable resources for your health.

Based on decades of clinical experience, she has selected the supplement companies which test the pharmaceutical-grade raw materials to be certain they are free of contaminants;  do the clinical studies for bio-availability and are on the front edge of new science to enhance your health.

Four reasons to be cautious about purchasing supplements from big-box or giant internet distributors:

  1. Supplements are un-regulated just like cosmetics.  What is written on the label is not a guarantee of the contents in the bottle.
  2. Less expensive supplements use cheaper materials, not pharmaceutical grade materials and may contain unknown fillers.
  3. Counterfeit products are commonplace – copies are made of the labels of reputable manufacturers and the bottles contain unknown ingredients.
  4. Always purchase directly from the reputable manufacturer or through a health care professional.

Click on the company link to view the products Dr. Sandy recommends.  All orders are shipped directly to your home.


  • A family owned health sciences company
  • Internationally recognized for innovative, high-quality dietary supplements
  • Only available through licensed healthcare practitioners.
  • Required access code : WB12, Password:  Dunn 
  • Click Order Now to receive your 10% discount

Emerson Ecologics offer you the convenience of shopping from 1000 different supplement companies through one account that you establish with the  Emerson patient portal:  Wellevate…saving you time and shipping fees.   Emerson only represents companies which have submitted their products for certification by an independent evaluation.

Click Place Order to receive your 10% discount from WellBelly below the suggested retail price on all products you order:

WellBelly at Fullscripts

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